The Great I Am
(Exodus 3:14 And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said,
Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you")
You are the son of Living God, Creator and Redeemer of all men
Eternally omnipotent, the Almighty / Jesus, the Savior of all souls
And You went to Calvary to die for me
Like a lamb that was slaughtered without mercy
Your Father sacrificed His Son to set me free
The Blood He shed on that tree gave me eternity
I declare You King of Kings
Holy are You Lord
Jesus Christ and Lord of Glory
I declare Your faithfulness
Worthy and so true
Jehovah God, Jesus, The Great I AM
Father sent His only Son to be like man
Enduring every sin to the end
To show us all that we can be like Him
And do all things through Him and Him alone
You are so powerful and awesome God
Nothing is impossible with You, with You
Chorus II
I declare You Lord of Lords
Holy are You Lord
You are my God
My One and only
I declare Your Faithfulness /
Worthy and so True
Jehovah God, Jesus, You’re the Great I AM
Jehovah God, Jesus, You’re the Great I AM